Shutaro Takeda

Shutaro Takeda, Ph.D.

A Personal Website of Shutaro Takeda, a Sustainametrist at Kyoto University. 日本語版ページ

Current Position


Associate Professor, Kyushu University

Urban Institute

Founder and a proponent of sustainametrics – a new academic approach to envision a sustainable future with data science.


Co-Founder & Chief Strategist, Kyoto Fusioneering Ltd

Co-founded Japan’s first fusion startup to accelerate the commercialization of fusion energy.

Previous Positions


Associate Professor (Program-Specific), Kyoto University


Application of quantitative methodologies to sustainability, i.e. Sustainametrics. Specialized in global hydrogen supply chain and fusion energy.


Associate Project Officer (Fusion Energy), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Physics Section

Advice member states on the hydrogen nuclear fusion development strategy as a means of mitigating the climate change / energy supply to growing nations.


Assistant Professor (Program-Specific), Kyoto University

Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability

Conducting academic researches on energy sustainability, energy economy, and renewable energy policy in developing nations.

Research Director of the ERIA-Kyoto University Joint Research Program “Renewable Development Strategy for ASEAN 2040: A Dynamic Multilateral Scenario Analysis.”

Project Administrator of the JICA-Kyoto University Contract Research Project “Socio-Economic Assessment of Renewable Energy Development in Developing Nations.”

Research Representative of the public outreach initiative for nuclear fusion at the National Institute for Fusion Science


Research Fellow, JSPS

Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University

Conducted academic researches on energy economy, and social acceptance of energy sources, nuclear fusion plant engineering, and nuclear fusion strategic planning.


Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer (JOCV), Bangladesh

Bangladesh Rural Development Board

Led a research project in rural Bangladesh to consult the Bangladeshi government on a national development project, “Participatory Rural Development Project Phase-2 (PRDP-2)” as part of Japanese Official Development Assistance (ODA). (The findings were published as a journal paper in Journal of Development Policy and Practice. )


Sergeant First Class, Japan Ground Self Defence Force

Reserve Corp

Served in the Japan Ground Self Defense Force (JGSDF) as a reserve Sergeant First Class for international security-related duties.



Master of Liberal Arts

Harvard University Extension School

Energy Sustainability

  • Environmental Science
  • Life Cycle Assessment

Energy Scenario Analysis

  • Energy Economy
  • Energy Policy
  • Carbon Emission Scenarios


Kyoto University Graduate School of Energy Science

Energy Economics

  • Energy Planning for Fusion

Social Acceptance of Nuclear Fusion Energy

Nuclear Fusion Engineering

  • Plant Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering

Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering

Material Science

  • Energy Material

Part-time Positions

Science Council of Japan

Science Council of Japan 2023

Associate Member (Youngest)

Vice Chair, Fusion DEMO Strategic Task Force

Vice Chair, Fusion DEMO Strategic Task Force 2023

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

核Expert Panel, Committee on Challenging Fusion Support Scheme

核Expert Panel, Committee on Challenging Fusion Support Scheme 2023

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

Committee on the Creation of New Rare Metal Refining Industries

Committee on the Creation of New Rare Metal Refining Industries 2022

Aomori Prefecture

Chair of the International Program Advisory Committee

Chair of the International Program Advisory Committee 2022

IAEA Workshop of Fusion Enterprises

Section Chair

Section Chair 2022

IAEA Fission-Fusion Technical Meeting

Witness of FESAC

Witness of FESAC 2021

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Chief Senior Editor

Chief Senior Editor 2021

Global Business Journal

Panel Member

Panel Member 2019 –

The Institute of Applied Energy (Tokyo)

Advisor to the Chairman

Advisor to the Chairman 2018 – 2019

The Sasakawa Peace Foundation (Tokyo)

Sergeant First Class

Sergeant First Class 2011-2014

Japan Ground Self-defence Force


IOP NIG Early Career Award

IOP NIG Early Career Award 2021

Institute of Physics

Director General's Recognition Award for Exceptional Service

Director General’s Recognition Award for Exceptional Service 2020

International Atomic Energy Agency

Dean's List of Academic Achievement Award

Dean’s List of Academic Achievement Award 2019

Harvard University Extension School

International Young Energy Professional of the Year

International Young Energy Professional of the Year 2018

Association of Energy Engineers

Ph.D. Awarded in 2 Years (Shortest Record)

Ph.D. Awarded in 2 Years (Shortest Record) 2018

Kyoto University Graduate School of Energy Science


Fellow 2018

Royal Society of Arts (London, UK)

Best Presentation (1st Place)

Best Presentation (1st Place) 2015

AESJ 2015 Annual Meeting Poster Session


Member 2017

International Distinguished Scholars Honor Society (New York, US)

PhD Poster Prize

PhD Poster Prize 2016

29th edition of the Symposium on Fusion Technology (Prague, Czech Republic)

Key Scientific Article

Key Scientific Article 2016

Renewable Energy Global Innovations (Ontario, Canada)

Kansai Chapter Award

Kansai Chapter Award 2015

Atomic Energy Society of Japan

GSAIS Full Scholarship

GSAIS Full Scholarship 2014

Kyoto University

Encouragement Award

Encouragement Award 2014

Kyoto University Cross-disciplinary Research Contest

Top of the List

Top of the List 2013

Kyoto University Graduate School of Energy Science Entrance Exam

Download my C.V.

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(Last updated on April 1, 2021)

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(Award) IAEA Director General’s Recognition Award for Exceptional Service

(Award) IAEA Director General’s Recognition Award for Exceptional Service

on the coordinated Agency-wide response to COVID-19 pandemic (2020)

(Book) Commercialising Fusion – How small businesses are transforming big science

(Book) Commercialising Fusion – How small businesses are transforming big science

Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing: Bristol (2020). ISBN: 978-0-7503-2717-6.

(Book) The Frontlines of Human Survivability (Prologue and Chapter 5)

(Book) The Frontlines of Human Survivability (Prologue and Chapter 5)

Kyoto University Press (2021). ISBN: 978-4-8140-0296-2.

(TV) Featured in NHK National TV “The Real Faces of the Gifted”

(TV) Featured in NHK National TV “The Real Faces of the Gifted”

Aired on 12 March 2020

(Book Chapter) CO2 Removal Using the Sun and Forest: An Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a Solar & Biomass Hybrid Carbon Capture and Sequestration Plant

(Book Chapter) CO2 Removal Using the Sun and Forest: An Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a Solar & Biomass Hybrid Carbon Capture and Sequestration Plant

EcoDesign and Sustainability II: Social Perspectives and Sustainability Assessment, Chapter 24, 371-383 (2021). DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-6775-9_24.

(Media) United Nations staff members around the world volunteered to remember the devastations by atomic bombs 75 years ago

(Media) United Nations staff members around the world volunteered to remember the devastations by atomic bombs 75 years ago

Chugoku Shimbum Newspaper (Aug 4, 2020)

(Presentation) Opening Ceremony: Virtual Poster Exhibition on the Atomic Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

(Presentation) Opening Ceremony: Virtual Poster Exhibition on the Atomic Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

(Book) Chivalry / Leon Gautier, Shutaro Takeda (Ed.)

(Book) Chivalry / Leon Gautier, Shutaro Takeda (Ed.)

Publisher: Chuokoron-Shinsha

(Paper) Economic Performance of Fusion Power Plant on Deregulated Electricity Markets

(Paper) Economic Performance of Fusion Power Plant on Deregulated Electricity Markets

Journal of Fusion Energy (2020)

(Paper) Analysis on the public awareness and images of the word “nuclear fusion” in Japan

(Paper) Analysis on the public awareness and images of the word “nuclear fusion” in Japan

J. Plasma Fusion Res. Vol. 96 No. 4 (2020)

(Presentation) CO2 Removal using the Sun and Forest: An Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a Solar & Biomass Hybrid Carbon Capture and Sequestration Plant

(Presentation) CO2 Removal using the Sun and Forest: An Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a Solar & Biomass Hybrid Carbon Capture and Sequestration Plant

Ecodesign 2019

(Presentation) Top-Of-Mind Awareness (TOMA)法による国内核融合認知度分析 [in Japanese]

(Presentation) Top-Of-Mind Awareness (TOMA)法による国内核融合認知度分析 [in Japanese]

NIFS一般共同研究研究会 「核融合エネルギーの社会的受容性向上のためのアウトリーチ活動の進め方」

(Panelist) The Benefits of ASEAN Power Grid on Renewable Energy

(Panelist) The Benefits of ASEAN Power Grid on Renewable Energy

2nd East Asia Energy Forum Session 3: Power Connectivity in ACMECS

(Keynote Presentation) ASEAN Renewable Energy Development Strategy for 2040

(Keynote Presentation) ASEAN Renewable Energy Development Strategy for 2040

2nd East Asia Energy Forum

(Award) Dean’s List of Academic Achievement Award

(Award) Dean’s List of Academic Achievement Award

Harvard University Extension School

(Invited Presentation) 太陽光・水素融合による革新的バイオマスCCSプラント構想 [in Japanese]

(Invited Presentation) 太陽光・水素融合による 革新的バイオマスCCSプラント構想 [in Japanese]

グローバルCCSインスティテュート日本事務所 第27回勉強会

(Invited Presentation) Electricity and Non-electricity GenerationPathways forFaster Fusion Commercialization

(Invited Presentation) Electricity and Non-electricity Generation Pathways for Faster Fusion Commercialization

Anglo-Japanese Conference on Commercialisation of Nuclear / Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge

(Paper) LCOE Analysis for Grid-Connected PV Systems of Utility Scale Across Selected ASEAN Countries

(Paper) LCOE Analysis for Grid-Connected PV Systems of Utility Scale Across Selected ASEAN Countries

Proceedings of the 42nd IAEE International Conference, 2019

(Paper) Japanese Plutonium Balance Outlook to 2050: A Monte Carlo Approach

(Paper) Japanese Plutonium Balance Outlook to 2050: A Monte Carlo Approach

ANS Transactions / Volume 120 / Number 1 / June 2019 / Pages 625-628

(Presentation) ビジネス段階に入った核融合エネルギー開発 [in Japanese]

(Presentation) ビジネス段階に入った核融合エネルギー開発 [in Japanese]


(Presentation) 経済的価値を考慮したエネルギー自給率の評価指標の算出 [in Japanese]

(Presentation) 経済的価値を考慮したエネルギー自給率の評価指標の算出 [in Japanese]

酸素水素燃焼タービン発電システムの研究開発 第9回ステアリング委員会

(Paper) Are Renewables as Friendly to Humans as to the Environment?: A Social Life Cycle Assessment of Renewable Electricity

(Paper) Are Renewables as Friendly to Humans as to the Environment?: A Social Life Cycle Assessment of Renewable Electricity

(Presentation) 国際政治経済学からみたエネルギー問題 [in Japanese]

(Presentation) 国際政治経済学からみたエネルギー問題 [in Japanese]


(Presentation) Towards the Sustainable Development in Rural Bangladesh: The 3-stage Hypothesis of Success of Link Model

(Presentation) Towards the Sustainable Development in Rural Bangladesh: The 3-stage Hypothesis of Success of Link Model

7th International Symposium on Human Survivability

(Presentation) Nuclear Fusion Integrated Biomass Gasification Fuel Cell Cycle: A Promising Option for Future Energy Sustainability?

(Presentation) Nuclear Fusion Integrated Biomass Gasification Fuel Cell Cycle: A Promising Option for Future Energy Sustainability?

23rd Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE)

(Award) 2018 International Young Energy Professional of the Year Award

(Award) 2018 International Young Energy Professional of the Year Award

(Presentation) Economic Performance of Fusion Power Plant on Future Deregulated Electricity Market

(Presentation) Economic Performance of Fusion Power Plant on Future Deregulated Electricity Market

27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2018)

(Discussion Paper) A System Dynamics Study on the Prospect of Japanese Plutonium Balance

(Discussion Paper) A System Dynamics Study on the Prospect of Japanese Plutonium Balance

(Paper) The Success of the Link Model Programme in Rural Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis

(Paper) The Success of the Link Model Programme in Rural Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis

(Award) Elected as the Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (UK)

(Award) Elected as the Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (UK)

(Paper) Plasma Control Requirements for Commercial Fusion Power Plants: A Quantitative Scenario Analysis With a Dynamic Fusion Power Plant Model

(Paper) Plasma Control Requirements for Commercial Fusion Power Plants: A Quantitative Scenario Analysis With a Dynamic Fusion Power Plant Model

(Book Chapter) Nuclear Fusion Power Plants

(Book Chapter) Nuclear Fusion Power Plants

(Media Coverage) Appeared on a Local Newspaper Kyoto Shimbun “最新の科学研究 親子ら触れる” [in Japanese]

(Media Coverage) Appeared on a Local Newspaper Kyoto Shimbun “最新の科学研究 親子ら触れる” [in Japanese]

(Presentation) Heat Storage for Stable Electricity Generation: A Quantitative Scenario Analysis with Dynamic Fusion Power Plant Model

(Presentation) Heat Storage for Stable Electricity Generation: A Quantitative Scenario Analysis with Dynamic Fusion Power Plant Model

13th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology

(Conference Paper) Environmental life cycle assessment of high temperature nuclear fission and fusion biomass gasification plants

(Conference Paper) Environmental life cycle assessment of high temperature nuclear fission and fusion biomass gasification plants

(Paper) Dynamic Simulation-Based Case Study of Fusion on Small-Scale Electrical Grids

(Paper) Dynamic Simulation-Based Case Study of Fusion on Small-Scale Electrical Grids

(Media Coverage) Appeared on the national public TV NHK Program “世界のハッピーを探して” [in Japanese]

(Media Coverage) Appeared on the national public TV NHK Program “世界のハッピーを探して” [in Japanese]

(Presentation) 核融合バイオマス燃料化プラントのライフサイクルアセスメントによる環境影響評価 [in Japanese]

(Presentation) 核融合バイオマス燃料化プラントのライフサイクルアセスメントによる環境影響評価 [in Japanese]

第33回 プラズマ・核融合学会年会

(Award) SOFT PhD Poster Prize

(Award) SOFT PhD Poster Prize

(Presentation) Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Fusion Power Plant Installation Scenarios to Deregulated Electricity Market

(Presentation) Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Fusion Power Plant Installation Scenarios to Deregulated Electricity Market

22nd Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy

(Presentation) 若手の立場から; 核融合発電の研究開発を担う核融合コミュニティーの活性化に向けて [in Japanese]

(Presentation) 若手の立場から; 核融合発電の研究開発を担う核融合コミュニティーの活性化に向けて [in Japanese]

第11回 核融合エネルギー連合講演会

(Presentation) ライフサイクルコスト試算に基づく電力自由化時代における原型炉戦略の考察 [in Japanese]

(Presentation) ライフサイクルコスト試算に基づく電力自由化時代における原型炉戦略の考察 [in Japanese]

第11回 核融合エネルギー連合講演会

(Presentation) Oceanic Behavior of Tritium upon Deep-water Release

(Presentation) Oceanic Behavior of Tritium upon Deep-water Release

11th International Conference on Tritium Science & Technology

(Presentation) 核融合炉の電力網への導入限界の評価を目的とした電力網安定性ダイアグラムとその応用による導入戦略の考察 [in Japanese]

(Presentation) 核融合炉の電力網への導入限界の評価を目的とした電力網安定性ダイアグラムとその応用による導入戦略の考察 [in Japanese]

第32回 プラズマ・核融合学会年

(Presentation) 将来電力市場における小型核融合炉:先進国・途上国それぞれにおける優位性と劣位性 [in Japanese]

(Presentation) 将来電力市場における小型核融合炉:先進国・途上国それぞれにおける優位性と劣位性 [in Japanese]

第32回 プラズマ・核融合学会年会

(Award) AESJ Kansai Chapter Award

(Award) AESJ Kansai Chapter Award

(Presentation) 動的シミュレーションによる核融合炉の電力網導入限界の定量的評価 [in Japanese]

(Presentation) 動的シミュレーションによる核融合炉の電力網導入限界の定量的評価 [in Japanese]


(Paper) Limitation of fusion power plant installation on future power grids under the effect of renewable and nuclear power sources

(Paper) Limitation of fusion power plant installation on future power grids under the effect of renewable and nuclear power sources

(Paper) Requirements for DEMO from the Aspect of Mitigation of Adverse Effects on the Electrical Grid

(Paper) Requirements for DEMO from the Aspect of Mitigation of Adverse Effects on the Electrical Grid

(Presentation) An innovative liquid fuel production system through nuclear fusion

(Presentation) An innovative liquid fuel production system through nuclear fusion


(Media Coverage) Featured by the national public TV NHK Program “グローバル人材”を育成せよ ~京都大学・改革への挑戦~ [in Japanese]

(Media Coverage) Featured by the national public TV NHK Program “グローバル人材”を育成せよ ~京都大学・改革への挑戦~ [in Japanese]

(Award) AESJ Annual Conference Best Presentation Award (1st Place)

(Award) AESJ Annual Conference Best Presentation Award (1st Place)

(Presentation) 革新的電力貯蔵装置による将来電力市場への原子力導入に関する考察;(1) 海洋を用いた革新的電力貯蔵装置と原子力による電力系統への影響 [in Japanese]

(Presentation) 革新的電力貯蔵装置による将来電力市場への原子力導入に関する考察;(1) 海洋を用いた革新的電力貯蔵装置と原子力による電力系統への影響 [in Japanese]

(Presentation) 電力需給制御シミュレータに基づいたDEMO炉運用に際する我が国2040年電力系統の安定性評価 [in Japanese]

(Presentation) 電力需給制御シミュレータに基づいたDEMO炉運用に際する我が国2040年電力系統の安定性評価 [in Japanese]

日本原子力学会 2015年春の年会

(Patent) Japan Patent No. 5681305

(Patent) Japan Patent No. 5681305

(Presentation) ゼロエミッションを目指した「核融合炉 + 海洋インバースダム」構想

(Presentation) ゼロエミッションを目指した「核融合炉 + 海洋インバースダム」構想


(Presentation) 核融合炉を含んだ小規模系統安定用蓄電装置についてのシミュレーションによる評価 [in Japanese]

(Presentation) 核融合炉を含んだ小規模系統安定用蓄電装置についてのシミュレーションによる評価 [in Japanese]


(Award) Kyoto University Cross-disciplinary Research Contest Encouragement Award

(Award) Kyoto University Cross-disciplinary Research Contest Encouragement Award

(Invited Seminar) Let’s Talk about Fukushima: A Chronology of Japanese Nuclear Research

(Invited Seminar) Let’s Talk about Fukushima: A Chronology of Japanese Nuclear Research

Imperial College London: CNE Seminar Series


Prof. Shutaro Takeda

Prof. Shutaro Takeda


Room W1-E-1001, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka, 819-0395: JAPAN

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Please feel free to contact me regarding my research.